Current Location: Beef nutrition and diet
Beef nutrition and diet

Beef nutrition and diet

News briefing: Beef is a kind of meat that contains more minerals and B vitamins. It is rich in minerals such as potassium, zinc, magnesium, and iron. Diet and health care

         Beef is a kind of high-protein animal meat food. Eating beef in winter can have a tonic effect. Beef is the meat most eaten by Europeans and Americans. In our country, except for the ethnic minorities in the west, most residents usually eat a small amount of beef. The cattle raised in our country mainly include scalpers, buffaloes and yaks.
Nutritional analysis
  The protein content of beef varies slightly depending on the breed, place of production, and feeding methods of cattle, but they are all over 20%, which is higher than that of pork and mutton. Beef protein is not only high in content, but also high in quality. It is composed of 8 kinds of amino acids that are necessary for the human body, and the composition ratio is balanced. Therefore, after human ingestion, it can be almost 100% absorbed and utilized. The fat content of beef is lower than pork and mutton, about 10%.
  Beef is a kind of meat that contains more minerals and B vitamins. It is rich in minerals such as potassium, zinc, magnesium, and iron.
Diet and health care
   According to traditional Chinese medicine, beef can nourish the spleen and stomach, strengthen the muscles and bones, reduce swelling and diuresis. For those with insufficient qi, deficiency of both qi and blood, long-term physical weakness, pale face and swollen legs, eating beef can help improve symptoms. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that beef is warm in nature and sweet in taste and can warm the stomach, so it is regarded as a good tonic in winter when the weather is cold.
There is an amino acid called sarcosine in the protein of beef. The amount of sarcosine is higher than that of any other food. Sarcosine is called the source of muscle fuel. After absorption, it can be quickly converted into energy in the human body, strengthen muscle strength, and can Increase muscles, highlight the meat. Therefore, training athletes, especially bodybuilders, and people engaged in physical labor should eat beef. Sarcosine can also provide the energy required for brain cell activity, which is conducive to the functioning of the brain. Therefore, if students eat beef before the exam, it is possible to achieve the effect of "temporary improvement of intelligence".
The fat of beef contains more linoleic acid. Linoleic acid is an unsaturated fatty acid and a potential antioxidant. It is related to the protein in beef, as well as the minerals potassium, iron, phosphorus, calcium, vitamin B6 and vitamins. Trace elements such as B12 have the effect of enhancing human immunity.
   Compared with pork, which is commonly eaten by Chinese people, beef has low fat content. Therefore, people who are obese do not need to worry about eating too much fat from beef. When fat people lose weight, they cannot lack protein. Beef can not only supplement high-quality protein, but also does not have too many calories. Therefore, people who lose weight choose beef to eat, which is better than eating pork and mutton.
Food law subsidy
  Beef can be eaten in many ways. It can be fried, fried, deep-fried, braised, sauced, braised, rinsed, braised, stewed, and soup. It can also be used as stuffing, dumplings, and steamed buns.
  Eat beef should be fresh. Fresh beef is shiny, uniform in red, firm in texture, slightly dry in appearance, non-sticky, and has no peculiar smell. The tenderness of beef is related to factors such as the breed and age of the cattle. The beef is light red in color, and the meat is firm and thin. The old beef is dark red in color and coarse in quality. It can only be eaten in boiled or braised meat. When boiled beef, it is advisable to add some wine, such as putting a few slices of radish or a few hawthorns in the water to make the meat cooked quickly. Wrap a small amount of tea leaves in a gauze bag, put it in a pot, and cook it with the meat. Not only the meat is perishable, but it also adds a refreshing fragrance to the cooked beef.

   Beef contains more cholesterol. The content per 100g is 120 mg, which is about twice that of pork and lamb. In this regard, people with high blood fat, high blood pressure, and arteriosclerosis should not eat large amounts of beef for a long time. Chinese medicine says that it has a warm nature, so people with high heat and yang should not eat more beef.