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Key points for high-yield planting of purple sweet potato

Key points for high-yield planting of purple sweet potato

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1. Choose suitable and good varieties

The first is the yield. As long as it can produce high yields, more than half of the success will be achieved. Therefore, when planting, we must choose varieties with better disease resistance, strong splitting ability, resistance to diseases and insect pests, and good growth ability. But the most important thing is to choose a variety that is suitable for the local area. There are many differences in different places. The most important thing is the purple potato that can be grown perfectly in the local area.

2. Pick the right soil

Purple potatoes like places with high terrain and good drainage, so try to avoid depressions when planting. The fertility of the soil must also be guaranteed. After that, the preparations before sowing must be carried out. Drying the seeds can improve the survival rate of the purple sweet potato.

3. Dig the soil

Dig the selected soil down for about fifty centimeters, and the excavated soil should also be air-dried. If the soil is moist, it will provide a good living environment for pests, and then carry out land consolidation, which can be properly added in the process fertilizer. The best is to use farmer’s organic fertilizer, which requires about two thousand kilograms per mu of land. While fertilizing, you can also properly sprinkle some phoxim. This fertilizer can effectively prevent and control pests in the soil.

4. Do a good job in field management

The growth of purple potatoes relies on the management of growers to a large extent. Regular weeding and soil turning are required to ensure that purple potatoes have sufficient nutrient support, but also provide them with a loose growth environment. The fallen weeds can become nutrients for the growth of the purple potato through certain treatments. When plowing the ground, pay attention to the depth and do not damage the root system of the purple potato.

5. Watering

Purple sweet potato is a plant that does not require much moisture, so it is not necessary to water too frequently during their growth, unless the weather is particularly dry. In addition, they must be lifted in time to make their nutrient delivery system grow well, which is beneficial to the growth of the tubers below.

6. Fertilization

In addition to the basic fertilizer work at the beginning, purple sweet potato basically does not need to be topdressed later, but if slow growth is found during the growth period of purple sweet potato, then it needs to be topdressed, if not, it is not necessary. If there is too much fertilizer, it is easy to cause only the upper stems and leaves of the purple potato, and the lower tubers are underdeveloped.