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A method of raising chickens at home

A method of raising chickens at home

News briefing: Chickens are kept warm; they need to control the temperature of their environment or they may die.

Chickens are kept warm; they need to control the temperature of their environment or they may die. They can be put into the carton, and then installed with heat lamps, temperature should be controlled at 33 degrees C or so, do not let them pile up, the bottom of the carton must be replaced twice a day, keep clean ventilation ventilation. 

The Brood is not successful until the temperature is kept constant for a week and then lowered by 2-3 ° C per week until it reaches 20 ° C. Second, the chicks were just born to feed management; for the chicks just born about three or four times a day, first to help them feed water, water must be boiled after cold can give the chicks peck and drink, now most people choose to buy feed feed, if it used to be fed together with Rice bran rice. 

The chicks have just hatched They need to be carefully managed for a week. It is also essential that they are well protected and vaccinated. After careful management at the age of 7 weeks, they are well protected against all kinds of diseases. Basically, their body weight can reach half a catty to one catty, that is, we usually catch the kind of home-raised chickens in the market.

Third, the management of chickens; if the former are their own chickens, but as early as many years ago the rural people rarely raise hens, are caught back from the market to raise. Because the chicken caught from the market, people have a good vaccination, directly caught home raised broiler can. Although medium-sized chicken breeding is simple and easy to manage, feeding twice a day. 

But also can not be careless, usually also want to do health care, should every 15 days to feed a health medicine, usually more feeding point green material. When you have time, you can find some plantain and nine dried vegetables to boil water for the chickens to drink. The chicken pens should be frequently disinfected and cleaned every day. The tools that the chickens eat should be cleaned every day. When they are fed, they should not be too much. 

Eighty to ninety percent of them are full. Fourth, the important point: the chickens like to stand high together. When building the chicken sheds, those bamboo shelves should be as high as possible as about one meter, so that the chicken droppings from the chickens fall down. 

Because the smell of the chicken droppings is very heavy, it must be separated from the chickens at a high point, will not affect the chicken; breathing fresh air, raising chickens Is Important is clean. Also, on rainy days, chickens must not be drenched by water, or they would easily get sick, especially in the morning of dew and fog. They must not let the chickens out. They must wait for the dew and fog to pass before they can let the chickens out for activities.