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How to raise small fragrant chicken

How to raise small fragrant chicken

News briefing: Daily work early in the morning: observe the chicken feed intake, mental status, feces color, chicken color.

1. Daily work early in the morning: observe the chicken feed intake, mental status, feces color, chicken color. NOON: keep the water running in the sink. Evening: Feed 1 hour before sunset. Night: In the chicken into the house after 1-2 hours to observe the flock, listen to the birds breathing sound is normal, if the chicken extrusion phenomenon is serious, should be timely grouping. According to the weather changes, the chicken shed to repair, to ensure ventilation and warmth, to prevent rain, cold chicken cold caused by the cold. 

2. Management points to eliminate enemies, such as rats, before stocking. Guard against theft. Dont let chickens in bad weather. Whistle or make other fixed sounds while feeding the chickens to form a Classical conditioning. At any time to observe the situation of the flock, found that the condition of timely treatment. If the chickens around the coop less than a distance away from the search for food, you can move the water dispenser, feed trough to the free-range place. Pay attention to waterproof, moisture-proof, around the Henhouse to dig gutters, housing must be built perch. When the free-range feed to be changed gradually, the new feed gradually increased to a week for the appropriate. Sprays of pesticides should be banned around free-range chicken farms. After a batch of chickens out of the pen, you need to stop breeding for 1-2 months, wait for the grass to grow out and then into the next batch of chickens.