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How to control grape root knot nematode disease?

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How to control grape root knot nematode disease?

Grape root-knot nematode disease is caused by root-knot nematode parasitism on the roots of grapes. It is most common in facility-grown grapes. The following editor will introduce the hazards, causes and prevention methods of grape root-knot nematode disease in detail for the reference of netizens.

1. Harm of grape root knot nematode disease

1. Aboveground part: The aboveground part of grapes where root-knot nematodes occur has slow growth, short plants, late germination, fine yellow leaves, delayed flowering, short flower spikes, few flower buds, and small fruits.

2. Underground: the grape lateral roots and fibrous roots where root-knot nematodes occur form a large number of nodular root knots, which hinder the development of the root system, and the lateral roots and fibrous roots are short and weak.

2. Causes of Grape Root Knot Nematode Disease

Nematodes overwinter in the roots and rhizosphere soil of grapes and other parasitic diseased roots with females, eggs and second-instar larvae. When the temperature rises in the second spring, they infect new lateral roots and fibrous roots of grapes, forming new nodular roots.

Nematodes are spread through diseased seedlings, running water, diseased soil, diseased plants and residual roots, and agricultural operations.

Nematodes rarely infect when the average ground temperature is lower than 10 degrees or more than 36 degrees. The soil is loose, sandy soil is prone to disease, and clay soil diseases are relatively light.

3. Control methods of grape root knot nematode disease

1. Grape seedlings should not be caused from the diseased area, and the introduction should be strictly disinfected. Generally, it should be soaked in 50 degrees hot water for 10 minutes, and the harm can also be avoided by introducing the seed strips.

2. No seedlings should be cultivated in nematode vineyards, and disease-free seedlings should be selected for new vineyards.

3. When choosing a vineyard, nematodes are prone to breed in the previous crops such as tomatoes, cucumbers, and deciduous fruit trees.

4. In the high temperature season, you can turn the soil layer 10-15 cm shallowly on the plot with root nematode disease and expose it to the sun to kill some nematodes and eggs on the surface of the soil to reduce the occurrence of disease.

5. Soak the roots with 100~400 mg of 5% g of line phosphorus granules per boosting ingredient for 5 to 30 minutes, or apply 250-300 g of line phosphorus granules per acre per mu during sowing and raising seedlings, or use 1.8% Abamectin EC 1000 times liquid irrigating roots for prevention and treatment

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